Facebook allows easy access for companies to be selective in the viewers the companies want to attract. To begin, it instantly wants to clarify who the advertisement is meant to target. It asks for specific variables such as, location, age, keywords, relationship status, gender, relationship interests, languages, workplaces, and age that can help advertisers select the viewers of their ads. This is clearly beneficial toward companies because most of its viewers are all prospective clients. However this form of narrowcasting can be overwhelming to Facebook audiences. For example, a surplus weight loss ads are targeted to females on Facebook. It is no secret that females tend to be very self-conscience about their bodies, so no matter how healthy the viewer is, they may feel like these ads are truly trying to tell them something. In this situation, the narrowcasting Facebook has allowed weight loss companies to use is detrimental to the Facebook user and can cause harm to there health, by looking into unhealthy ways of loosing weight instead of the suggested advertisement. This which essentially benefits no one. This is an example in which the narrowcasting can harm a viewer; however, Facebook has many aides that pertain to males such as razors. In this case, these ads are normally beneficial to the company because males can easily see which razor suits there needs. Ultimately, it is essential for people to be aware of the narrowcasting on Facebook and not to let it alter decisions about what they like and who they are.
http://www.facebook.com/advertising/?advertising&src=aw05Target Your Audience By:
- Location
- Age
- Sex
- Keywords
- Education
- Workplace
- Relationship Status
- Relationship Interests
- Languages
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